Tuesday, January 13, 2009

PME Professional Course in Sugarpaste

Two days of my course has passed. I have met & learnt so many things & gotten lotsa tools essential in doing a decent looking decorated cake (i only had a pizza cutter and 2 artist paint brushes b4 this). Met really nice ppl all in the cake industry, all doing so well in wat they r doing! So inspired but at the same time intimidated -_-

They taught me about costing, & i realised i am way way undercharging my cakes. My 2tier hula bday girl cake could have easily be sold for more than rm350.... -_- YES i am not lying!! Shame on me to graduate as an accounting student & im not doing my costing & pricing right! U ask, y so expensive?? Cos of the time amount of time spent & also due to the designs on the cake, plus the hula girl decoration.

Anywayz, im the noob among the 5 students, cos all the other four ladies are ALL selling wedding cakes or plan to venture into wedding cakes, cupcakes or teach lessons from home.. My instructor is superb, very good teacher, the wedding cakes he make r gorgeous. & i was told paris hilton ordered cookies from him just last month.. He even made the sultan of brunei or was it selangor's cake WOW.

Money in baking industry is very lucrative, especially if u r able to do wedding cakes. They can fetch pretty high prices... Very very high prices for the art work u do.

I had 2days of classes in a row from 9 to 5 plus i only got to sleep for 3 hours last nite, so im pretty tired right now.

i will post up the pics of my cakes another time, muaX.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hula Girl Birthday Cake

One of Ai Lin's fren's bday was just ystday. She was sweet enuff to let me do her fren's bday cake for her :) Was rather stressed out as i didnt really know how to decorate the cake, & i rarely work wif buttercream as icing.. normally i will use fondant as it's more stable in our malaysian weather. As it was a cheese cake underneath & it needs to be in the fridge, i cant use fondant.. -_- Fondant cannot be kept in the fridge!! It will "sweat" lol meaning it will be wet & sticky la.. :P

First it was decided to be a round 8 inch baked cheese cake with a hula girl ontop, but changed my mind, & told ailin a 2 tiered cake wif the hula girl ontop will look better. & here's the results, & glad that the bday girl liked it :)

The result of the stacked cakes, which i was quite happy wif :) As i couldnt stack the cakes at home, i didnt know how it will look. Cos each cake by itself looked rather plain..... :P i know i complain alot, bear wif me, i like my cakes perfect :P

I really liked how the hula girl turned out! the small flowers r oh-so-cute on her skirt!!! But i think the skirt will look better if each strip of green was thinner, it will look more realistic :P

She even had flowers on her hair!!!! :P This was last minute cos i was worried the flowers wouldnt stick.

Happy Bday Shooks! & it was a challenge since it was my FIRST time writing a birthday msg on the SIDE of a cake... -__- glad it turned out good. Had fun doing the cake, thanx ailin once again :)

I am bloody exausted cos i've been baking pineapple tarts from 2pm til 10pm at nite........... -__-

BUT, tomorrow is the first class of my PME sugarpaste course :D Happy happy joy joy. I'll graduate wif a diploma :) Will post pics on wat i did in class in the next post ;)

Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

New Year New Resolutions!!! I musn't be so lazy, I musn't leech off my parents, I must GET A JOB!!!!! :P Looking at the current economy state, & it was even forecasted that the economy condition will be even worst, i need to secure a job quick. Yeap, right after CNY that is. Cos I have so many CNY cookies orders, that i cannot afford to slack. On the average i need to bake at least, 5 containers of cookies each day to finish baking before cny.. -_-

Remember about the diploma course in sugarpaste that i mentioned in the earlier post? I will be attending :) It in smacked in the middle of Jan, so i need to multi task & to plan my timing properly.. omg. However, im dem bloody excited!!! Now, i am demmmm tempted to complete the other courses & be a certified instructor.. ...... ... ..... .... but i don't know how the thing works, so... i can dream on -__- As if my parents will allow me to continue studying after spendin a bomb on my tertiary education...

Anwyayz, sorry for the lack of posts. December had been a busy month. Tons of cake orders to fill. Here r pics of a few :)

The pink & black fondant cake for my cousin

Blueberry cheese cake

Coffee chiffon fudge cake

Yein's bday monokuro boo cake

randall's xmas party cakes

Pet&You end yr party cake, i had a hard time covering the cake with fondant. the horror!!! -_- but quite pleased with the result.. but not 100% satisfied... i liked the doggie on the cake. dem cute, but it magically disappered... -_-

This cake was for dogs' consumption!! :P Loved the deco, lol Just found it a bit sad when we humans r busy partying & eating good food while the dogs sit & watch, so i baked thema cake for the yr end party :p

Have a good year ahead ;)